Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
My Children, Pray for Peace, Pray for All Mankind Increasingly Threatened by War and the Snares of the Ancient Adversary
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of October 26, 2023

This afternoon the Virgin Mary showed up all dressed in white. The mantle that enveloped Her was also white and broad. The same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head the Virgin Mary had a crown of twelve shining stars.She had Her hands joined in prayer, in Her hands a long white holy rosary beads, as of light that reached almost down to Her feet. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world was the snake who waved his tail loudly and had his mouth wide open. Mother was holding it down with Her right foot. One part of the world was covered with part of the Virgin's mantle, the other part was uncovered; on the uncovered part, there were glimpses of scenes of war and violence. The Virgin Mary's eyes were filled with tears. But She hinted at a beautiful smile.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
My dear children, here I am again in your midst.
My children, My heart is hurt to see all that is happening in the world. Today My children, I spread My mantle over each of you and look at you with motherly tenderness. I am here in your midst to help you; I am here to intercede with My Son Jesus.
My children, pray for peace, pray for all mankind increasingly threatened by war and the snares of the ancient adversary.
At this point I had a vision, then Mother resumed speaking.
Pray children, pray for the unity of Christians, walk with Me on the path of prayer, may prayer be your strength together with the Sacraments. Pray with Me, bend your knees and pray. Pray for all those who do not accept My continuous invitation to conversion and return to God.
My beloved children, also today I invite you to pray for My beloved Church that is increasingly divided. Pray for the Vicar of Christ.
Pray that the authentic Magisterium of the Church may not be lost.
Pray, pray, pray.
I prayed with the Virgin Mary and finally She blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.